The Wedding Guide of Central Virginia





Well & Wed

April 1, 2023 (0) Comments

Well & Wed

Feel your best on your big day

Oftentimes a wedding is seen as the ultimate motivation for people to look and feel their best. However, too often, people will go through intense extremes—from fad diets to strict workout programs—all of which ultimately peak on the day of their wedding. Sometimes those programs and plans aren’t sustainable, or even healthy, for the long-term so rather than opt for an overly strict plan, consider these wellness trends that apply during and after wedding season.

Ditch the Diet
We’re talking about abundant, intuitive nutrition over the idea of deprivation or skipping a certain ingredient because it’s “bad”. Rather than launching into a months-long diet that excludes sugar (the horror!), carbs (double the horror!), meat, or dairy, focus instead on consuming real, whole foods. Set an intention ahead of your wedding to eat a truly balanced diet—one where you’re getting the right amount of protein, minerals, and nutrients.

Get into the practice early of meal planning and cooking nutrient-rich foods at home—something that you and your partner will both benefit from well into your marriage.

Be Mindful About Alcohol
You don’t need to abstain from alcohol entirely—though if you choose to do so, that’s okay too! Focus instead on quality over quantity as you’re partying with your pals ahead of and during wedding festivities. Opt for a glass or two of local red wine, which is relatively low in calories and can offer some health benefits or keep your cocktails mixer-free to cut back on sugar. For example, choose tequila on the rocks, a vodka soda, or a gin and tonic, all of which won’t spike your blood sugar like more sugary cocktails will.

If you’re looking for activities to gather with your friends that don’t revolve around alcohol, consider organizing a group hike or nature walk or a farm-to-table dinner in your backyard instead.

Drink the Clear Stuff
Alternatively, up your intake of water. One of the most underestimated tips for those looking to be in tip-top shape is hydration. For your clearest skin and healthiest bodily function, water will help you perform at your best.

be well wedding day

Start the day with a glass of lukewarm water, with or without lemon, to activate your body and digestive system. From there, consider swapping one of your regular beverages a day—like your lunchtime soda or morning energy drink—with water.

If you still find yourself craving a soda or sugary drink, consider reaching for a naturally flavored seltzer water instead.

Move and Then Move Some More
Just like with focusing on more whole foods than a fad diet, which will offer you a more sustainable and long-term wellness outlook, focus on increasing your overall movement rather than a particular workout regimen.

Studies show that daily walks are effective with both weight loss and mindfulness. Lace up with your partner, friend, or safely go solo and get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes every day. Consider tracking your steps with your phone or fitness watch and aim for at least 12,000 steps per day. Tracking your daily movements will help you set practical goals and maintain consistency.

ladies walking

Prioritize Your Emotional and Mental Health
A lot of time, energy, effort, and money goes into planning a wedding and practicing being present of what’s going on around you throughout the planning process can be helpful. Begin incorporating daily breathing exercises as a way of mitigating any stress or anxiety. Let your breath flow deep into your belly without forcing it by breathing in through your nose and then out through your mouth.

If planning your wedding gets too overwhelming, set aside some time to reset and recharge. This could include planning a getaway to a peaceful destination or enjoying a staycation at home. Find healthy ways to decompress, whether that’s booking a massage or relaxing with a book.

If you find yourself stuck in unhealthy patterns for mitigating stress, consider finding a therapist or mental health professional who can help you navigate this action-packed season.

Finally, remember that entering into your marriage is an opportunity to hit a healthy reset together. Whatever you do to get ready for your wedding should be something that you can keep doing long after the dance floor has been cleared and the honeymoon photos have been developed.

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