The Wedding Guide of Central Virginia





Smouldering Sunset Silhouettes

January 6, 2020 (0) Comments

Smouldering Sunset Silhouettes

Nothing cranks up the heat more than perfectly timed photos

Want a modern, artistic—and of course, romantic—photo of you and your lover on your wedding day? Nothing gives off that vibe more than the two of you basking in front of the setting sun, leaving only your smooching shadow behind.

If you desperately want a sunset silhouette photo in your wedding album, first seek out a skilled photographer. “It truly is a difficult shot to get right!” explains Sam Stroud of Sam Stroud Photography, who is well known for his incredible use of light at weddings all over the country. “You need the technical expertise to be able to expose both the sun and the couple well enough to get the shot you want.”

Second, accept that the weather is unpredictable and a blazing orange sky might not be a part of the forecast. “I have been asked about getting sunset shots on cloudy days. Obviously, I can’t do that,” Stroud says. “It requires all of the fundamental ingredients.”

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